Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Next meet-up 19th October

The next meetup event is going to be at

Tuesday 19th October, 6pm
The Erina Centre, Erina Fair next to the Library

Case Study on the Government and Information Public Access (GIPA) project

Presented by Darren and Paul from Gosford City Council

A case study on Gosford City council’s Government Information Public Access project. The project involved Council’s obligations when providing information in a proactive, transparent and accessible manner to the public. The presentation will highlight the challenges faced and the measures taken to deliver a workable solution in a very tight timeframe.

The technology underlying the solution includes DataWorks / ECM (EDMS), 2 Windows Services, a C# thick client configuration app, J-Query and Google Site Search. We will outline how each component fits together to form the end product. There will also be a brief demo of the Phase 2 development - depending on maturity, is likely to take the form of a 2 – 3 minute screen-grab movie.

Are you coming?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Talk on Agile software projects on Tuesday 21st, 6pm-8pm

On Tuesday at 6pm at the Erina Centre (at Erina Fair) the next Central Coast IT meet-up happens.

Scott and Shannon will give a talk about an 18 month Enterprise project using Scrum and other Agile software development techniques.  the team faced many challenges, both on the technical and teamwork fronts, but by the end emerged with a great product and a very high performing team.

Come and hear them talk about the adventures they had, and come along and support your Central Coast IT community.

Here is the draft of the presentation.  It's very "agile" isn't it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Software Freedom Day

Software Freedom Day is an event held all over the world to celebrate and raise awareness of free software and open source software.
The following events are currently registered in Australia:
This list was taken from the official map of events on 12/8/2010. Please let us know if you like us to list your event.