Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our First Retrospective - June 2011

At our last meeting we had a bit of a retrospective, on how we feel about the group to date,and what we can do to make it better.

We followed the Start, Stop, Continue, More of, Less of format...

The actions we got were:
  • Looking into a few options for funding of the venue hire - will hopefully have an outcome to discuss at the next meetup
  • Setup a schedule for later talks
These came from the following retrospective notes:

Sort out finances - one member paying for all meeting costs
More diversity in talks


Cross platform examples in talks
Good mix/variety of topics

More Of:
Simpe talks about the tools we use

Less Of:
Name of the group - maybe rethink the whole Nerd thing

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June Meet-up: So what do Cucumbers have to do with Testing?

The next meetup event is going to be at

The Erina Centre, Erina Fair next to the Library
Tuesday 21st June, 6:30pm*

So what do Cucumbers have to do with Testing?
All about Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and some oddly named tools you can use to make it work.

Presented by Robert Dyball and Shannon Marsh
In this month’s CoastNerds presentation Rob and Shannon will be discussing the practice of Behaviour Driven Development and how it is a valuable way of identifying and developing test scenarios with your customers in a language that everyone can understand.  They will also talk about some of the free tools that are available to automate the tests and incorporate them in with your existing unit/integration test suite.  The presentation will cover:

-          What is BDD?
-          BDD Tools for .Net, Java, Ruby, etc.
-          Demonstration of StoryQ (for .Net)
-          How BDD and StoryQ are used in practice

This month we would also like to dedicate a few minutes to a Retrospective on CoastNerds so far, looking at what we are doing well, what we aren’t doing so well and what can we do better? 
You can't afford to miss this one! 
*6:00pm for a 6:30pm start.